Our Farm
Wainiha Valley is the deepest valley on Kaua'i with rivers directly fed from Wai'ale'ale. Our farm is technically located on an island within an island, between the Wainiha River and the Power House Stream. It is a lush and scenic valley with fertile soil, ample water, swirling winds, and breathtaking views.
Currently, our farm has four fields of cacao - a way to test reactions to the varying wind, soil, and water in the Wainiha valley. There are even a few trees still remaining from the previous owner of the land, Ashawna Hailey.
Other features and crops on the farm include bananas, coffee, citrus, lychee, longan, and a cacophony of native plants and flowers.
Take a little drive with us past one of our cacao fields!

If you would like to see our full Seed-to-Tree-to-Bean-to-Bar process, click here!